• Solid. Stable. Secure.

Guaranteed Highest Quality, Most Secure Internet Experience Possible. 

Have It All

Enjoy unmatched video streaming and internet service reliability that is secure, stable, and constantly monitored to protect your safety. Finally rid yourself of the inconvenience and aggravation of dealing with unstable connections, frozen screens, poor video quality, choppy audio, and disconnected meetings. 

Our OmniNet Managed Network service makes network and internet interruptions a thing of the past. The Next-Generation Firewall service bundle is provided via a monthly subscription, so you are always safe and secure. Clients of Home Network Pros can expect to enjoy a consistently higher quality internet experience, while they gladly leave the technology to us.

More Is More.

If needed, a second and even third internet connection can easily be added to your network to improve performance, and significantly reinforce internet reliability. Loss of internet connection will become a thing of the past when you add a redundant internet service to your network.

Prove It.

The Recently Disclosed Log4j Vulnerability

Log4j is present in the ubiquitous Apache web server, which is embedded in everything from printers to pacemakers. Log4j provides an ideal example of how active network management can automatically safeguard every device on the network. The Log4j exploit and others like it, are arrested in part by the ability of OmniShield to automatically block the network communication used to exploit the vulnerability. So the network is secure, even before you have located and patched a single vulnerable device.

Log4j proves that we need to change our thinking when it comes to network security. The new model must be one of Zero Trust. Focusing on the protection of network devices from the potential threat presented by every other device on the local network. Today literally any device on your network, if compromised, can be used to target any and all other network client devices. The call is coming from inside the house!

Our greatest challenge is most certainly the task of securing the Internet of Things [IoT.] Things, chiefly inexpensive things. Things from faucets to furnaces, pet food dispensers, Christmas lights, even children’s toys. Recall the Adidas soccer ball containing an embedded chip, that was given as a gift to former president Trump.

Most IoT devices are composed of 4 fundamental resource components: cloud, application[s], communication streams, and device hardware. The complex nature of IoT devices makes them especially vulnerable, because each component can expose multiple potential attack-points. For example, insecure communication between a device and the cloud could breach sensitive information, or divulge vital network facts to a threat actor attempting to explore your network.

Who Cares?

Security concerns about IoT are not slowing the deployment of IoT devices. Managing IoT using the Cat and Mouse Model where you are the mouse, is perpetually ineffective and similarly insecure. The Zero Trust model that we offer, functions to secure every device on the network from exploitation by every other device on the network.

IoT devices are not patched automatically. Installing infrequently released updates is the responsibility of the device owner, and for that reason patches or updates are rarely if ever actually installed.  Even when they have been installed, there’s no way to assure that another as yet undiscovered vulnerability isn't already present. Zero Trust assures that your network and everything on it, will be protected from the next newly disclosed vulnerability, well before you've even heard about it and wondered about what to do in response to the problem.

Please call 408 739-5462 for the most reliable and secure internet experience possible, or a Free IoT Device Scan of your network, and be sure to download our technical data sheet.


CorePoint360 Installed Our Wi-Fi Network

CorePoint360 installed our Wi-Fi network and improved the quality of our internet. Now we able to have the entire family on Zoom calls all at the same time without any disruption. The technician took the time to walk through all of our concerns. Their pricing is clear, and they readily discussed the details of the plan for resolving our issues.

Kim from Mountain View
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